Art and design
Jasper Johns Lettering Worksheet
This work sheet can be used to help students create Jasper Johns inspired number artworks.
Art & Design Extension Tasks (Year 7, 8 and 9)
These are a series of 3 extension task sheets with 8 task on each. They can be used for students who have completed their work early or to push higher ability students. I have a number of these printed and laminated in the room and students use them when needed. The tasks are varied and promote independent learning and creativity.
Charles Rennie MacKintosh Tile Design Worksheet and Inspiration
This project can be used to help students develop design ideas for a clay tile inspired by the work of Charles Rennie MacKintosh.
Included is
An inspiration sheet with images of MacKintosh’s work
A worksheet to help students to develop 4 tile ideas and a final design
A design development sheet (to be alongside a viewing window)
A tonal range chart (A4 sheet but can be cut up in to strips and given out to students)
Boyles Family Clay Tile Project
This project aims to get students to think differently about how artist make work from unusual or untraditional materials and that anything can be a material or subject to create art. The PowerPoint explores a series of artists who use unusual materials, processes/ subjects in their work, these include the Boyles family, Duchamp, Mark Bradford and Michael Landy. The worksheet is used to record interesting compositions and textures in the classroom in a Boyles family style. Students create their own view finder and create what they see using a range of materials and tools. Once completed the final design is carved and sculpted into clay tile which is then fired and glazed.
Photoshop Commands and Basic Functions
2 resources ideal for introducing Photoshop (PC version) in lessons. The first sheet lists a series of shortcut commands which speeds up work flow and helps students recongnise basic tools. The second explains some of the basic functions such as opening a blank page, adding colour, rotating and editing.
Op Art Activity Sheet (2 sheets)
A good resource to introduce the concept of Op Art. Student join up the dots to create Op Art inspired patterns. From these initial designs students can create their own designs using the same method, experiment with using different drawing materials or even incorporate textiles and sewing to create designs for cushion covers.
15 Ways to Develop Your Project
This is a list of 15 ways for students to develop their projects. This sheet is useful for student who have made a piece of work but are struggling to develop further. The suggested ideas have links to artists for student to research if they wish and each task has been differentiated.
Mondrian Marble Maze Game Project
This is a Piet Mondrian inspired marble maze game. The file contains
• 1 x A3 research/inspiration sheet about Mondrian’s work
• 1 x A3 research/inspiration sheet on different types of mazes
• 1 x A3 product analysis sheet (similarities and differences)
• 1 x A3 design idea sheet
• 1 x A4 final design idea sheet
After completing the design sheets, students then would create a card prototype after which they would create the final design using wood and acrylic. The project is aimed at Key Stage 3 students and would last for about 6 x 2 hour lessons a week.